This sentence: “Writing effective prompts remains one of the most challenging aspects of working with large language models" could not be any trueer! Here is an article about Claude's improvements through "Anthropic’s new tools to make AI prompts smarter and more accurate".
I have skipped from paid ChatGPT to paid Claude, and I love their "project" interface. But my use remains rather simple. Do you use Claude daily? And what for essentially?
Interesting to know you switched! I personally haven't moved on to a paying model just yet (I've been able to get what I need from free versions of LLMs for now, though it's possible that will change in the future, and it also takes more time to add text in chunks in the free versions). I'd be curious to hear what others use Claude for daily (for now, I have been using Perplexity pretty much daily myself for a host of things).